COVID-19 Response at RUMC
The Rochelle United Methodist Church is known as “the church that helps.” When someone needs assistance, we step up and do what we can to help. It’s not just what we do; it’s who we are. Well, we need to help again. We need to help folks feel safe enough to join us in in-person worship services. We need to care for “the least of these” among us.
Read more of Scott Swartz's, RUMC's Leadership Council Chair from July 2021 letter, here.
2 Worship Services Safely Fall
August 2021 Update:
We want to resume in-person ministry in a way that is safe, worshipful and welcoming. We are looking to balance the need to look out for the least of these, while also understanding that some of our members are vaccinated.
Our plan is to move towards a return to two services in September (assuming we remain in stage 5). This is exciting news that we have all anticipated, but there will need to be some modifications to previous patterns for both services. There will be no passing of offering plates, or microphones, as in the distant past. Special accommodations for children will be made. Communion will continue to be by individual servings.
- 9:00 AM Worship
Worship will return to a traditional order of service in the sanctuary, with appropriate modifications. The last 3 pews will be reserved for unvaccinated persons and their families, who will be masked. There will then be a break in seating before the rest of the congregation (vaccinated) who will not be required to wear masks. We are working towards having an organist for this service.
- Fellowship Time between Services
At the moment, we will not be having fellowship time inside. We can make arrangements for it to be held outside, if we have sufficient volunteers to make this happen. - 11:00 AM Worship
Worship will be held in Hicks hall and will be masked because of the greater presence of children. Families will be invited to bring their own snacks. Children will be seated with their families at appropriately-spaced tables and families may bring blankets and toys for young children. We would like to provide activity sheets for children 4 and up that coordinate with the worship focus. The order of worship will be modified to make it more accessible for children.
In order to move forward to returning to two services, we need to have several things in place. We cannot stress enough that resuming in-person ministry is dependent on us all working together. We need your help to make it happen! Please see the listings below and let us know where you would like to help.
- Member Contact Team - Needed: A team of people to contact those among our members and constituents who have not yet returned to worship. Contact: Pastor Katherine,, 815-562-2164
- Children's Connection Team - Needed: A team to work on preparing children's activities for them to do at the table with their families. Contact: Pat Casey or Pastor Katherine,, 815-562-2164
- Fellowship Coordination Team - Needed: A fellowship coordinator and team willing to coordinate, complete set-up, and perform cleanup. Contact: The Office,, 815-562-2164
- Service Assistants - Service takes a team to put together and we need people to fill the many different tasks. Needed: Worship Leaders, Ushers, Greeters, Scripture Leaders and Video/Sound Operators for both the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services. Contact: Pastor Katherine or the Office, or, 815-562-2164
Thank you for your faithful support which has sustained the church in the pandemic -- and will help us return to a fuller life as a church as we emerge from it!
The Church Council and Pastor Katherine
Previous Communication
May 2020
October 2020
February 2021
May 2021
July 2021
July 20, 2021
The majority of our communications during this time will happen over email or Facebook. While the church building is closed, you can still communicate with us.
– Facebook
– Weekly e-newsletter,
click here to sign up
– Call – 815.562.2164
messages checked daily
– Mail –
709 4th Ave, Rochelle, IL 61068
– Email –
– For Pastoral Care, you can call one
of our Pastors