In response to the ways God has blessed us we generously give a portion of our material possessions as a thank offering to God first through the church and then through other organizations to give glory to God five times every month.
Ways to live out Giving in our lives:
- Give to the church by sending in your donations through the mail, online giving through paypal, or use Electronic Fund Transfer
- Use Amazon Smile to donate everytime you shop with Amazon (Use
- Give to the H.I.S. Benevolence Fund by sending in a donation through the mail, through our paypal page, or by ordering through Rada Fundraising
- Give to our fundraisers for the community including Bless the Classroom, Giving Tree, Miriam Circle Nut Fundraiser and other events.
- Give to local fundraisers and organizations
- Give to UMCOR - the United Methodist Committee on Relief