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May 2021 COVID Update

COVID continues to be of concern in Rochelle and Ogle County. Our prayers and actions seek to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and we compassionately care for those suffering with the effects of the virus physically, socially and economically.

As of May 2021, after 14 months of suspending in-person ministry we are slowly resuming in-person worship, studies, groups and gatherings. While roughly 75% our regular worship attenders are fully vaccinated we know that gathering in-person is still a risk. So we've developed 12 steps to gathering as safely as possible and ask that everyone abide by these guidelines regardless of their vaccination or immunity status. Please note that worship in-person in the sanctuary will  have the windows open for further safety, but may make the room drafty. We will run heat and air conditioning to help keep the space comfortable, but you may want to dress for the outside temperature.
We also affirm those who choose to wait to return to in-person gatherings for some time yet. We foresee that for much of this calendar year, a majority of our congregants will choose to disciple at home. Our pre-recorded radio and online services and at-home discipleship materials will continue as they have since last March. The in-person ministries that slowly resume are designed simply as optional additions to our main discipleship at-home practices for those ready to gather in-person again.