Month of Missions - June 2022
United Methodists are called to mission. We serve others in the Spirit and love of Jesus in local, regional, national and global ways. This month we’re highlighting just a fraction of the ways RUMC shares in this connectional mission.
Click on the Red links below to go to the individual missions to visit their pages to learn more, volunteer or donate.
- Rochelle Christian Food Pantry - A Rochelle area volunteer driven food pantry that serves families in the RTHS District who are needing temporary help obtaining food.
- The Kitchen Table, Inc - A Rochelle area pay-what-you-can/want community cafe working to provide hot, healthy nutritious meals to one and all regardless of ability to pay.
- Rochelle Rescue Mission - A Christian mission seeking to provide temporary shelter and direction so that more permanent solutions can be found.
- Hope of Ogle County - A domestic violence agency and shelter offering counseling services for adults and children, Latina advocacy, court advocacy, and prevention services.
- Habitat for Humanity of Ogle County - A local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International committed to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes
- Midwest Mission Distribution Center - An organization showing God’s Love in practical ways through the distribution of education, health, micro-business, and disaster relief supplies meeting basic human needs around the world and around the corner.
- Northern Illinois Food Bank - A regional Food Bank providing nutritious food and resources for neighbors, with dignity, equity and convenience, through partnerships and innovation.
- Justice For Our Neighbors - A Northern Illinois organization providing free high-quality legal services to low-income immigrants, that also engages in education and advocacy efforts and builds cross-cultural relationships.
- Volunteers In Mission (VIM) - A grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action.”
- Anti-Racism Taskforce - A Northern Illinois Conference Taskforce committed to living out the conviction that racism is incompatible with Christian Teaching by providing resources, praying, connecting and acting.
- Black College Fund - A fund created to help make quality education accessible to all by providing a constant reliable way to support United Methodist-related historically Black colleges.
- UMCOR US Disaster Response - When responding to a disaster in the United States, UMCOR provides training, financial assistance, expertise, community collaboration to churches and partners making them more resilient to disasters.
- Civil and Human Rights Advocacy - We believe that God has given us principles for how to live in a community. Central to Jesus’ teachings, life, death, and resurrection is the Great Commandment: we must love God and love our neighbors as ourselves.
- Climate and Environmental Justice Advocacy - We are called to a ministry of reconciliation between God, humankind and creation. In and alongside frontline communities experiencing environmental injustices, we are participating in God’s healing of creation.
- Health and Wholeness Advocacy- Our priority is to live into God’s vision of abundance. That is why we work in the areas of health care, mental health and addictions.
- UMCOR- As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.
- Sheltering in Love - Collaborations with health professionals, missionaries, disaster management coordinators and faith leaders have allowed for a global response to COVID-19 by Global Ministries and UMCOR.
- Africa University - An organization providing quality education within a Pan-African context through which persons can acquire general and professional knowledge and skills, grow in spiritual maturity, develop sound moral values, ethics and leadership qualities.
- Joy in the Harvest - A Christian mission working in Tanzania providing expertise and resources needed by the church in Africa for making Christian disciples.
- Global Health Advocacy - Efforts as a church society to promote health worldwide including not only support of health care institutions, but promotion of a healthy environment, economic stability, access to education, and supportive civic and religious communities.