How can we pray for you?
Life is a series of challenges, and sometimes they look overwhelming. If you would like the support of prayer, we would love to pray for you.
You have options and we are with you!!
Prayer Request Form:
Please complete a prayer request form or write a personal note with your name and prayer concerns. Place your concerns into the RUMC Admin office mailbox and our prayer team will pray for you.
You can text your prayer concerns to our pastor, Pastor Katherine. Her special prayer text number is 815-575-9648. She will text you back with a prayer for you.
If you want to email a more extensive prayer concern, please title the email to Pastor Katherine “Prayer Need” and email her at
In Person:
If you want to be prayed for in person, you can text or email for an appointment with Pastor Katherine and meet her at church at that time, or come for worship at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings and ask Pastor Katherine to pray with you afterward.
If you want your prayer concern to be shared with our prayer team and congregation, please let Pastor Katherine know that, and exactly what you want shared.
We will pray for you. You are precious to God and we will support you in every way we can.
-Pastor Katherine and the Prayer Team